Giving through the United Way's allocation process ensures that volunteers will carefully review where your dollars will go. But if you would like to designate your gift to a specific agency, please see the list below and mark the # on your pledge card.
Agency Designation
Giving through the United Way's allocation process ensures that volunteers will carefully review where your dollars will go. But if you would like to designate your gift to a specific agency, please see the list below and mark the # on your pledge card:
1. A Place at the Table
"Food for Thought" Backpack Program
2. Big Pals~Little Pals
Mentoring Program
3. CASA Connection
Child Advocacy & Support Program
4. Center for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Survivors
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Prevention, Education, and Direct Victim Services Programming
5. Columbus Emergency Relief
Financial Assistance Program
6. Columbus Family YMCA
6a. After School Program
6b. Financial Assistance
6c. I CAN Camp
7. Faith Regional Child Advocacy Center
Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Victim Services
8. Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska
Outreach Program
9. Habitat For Humanity of Columbus
Annual Home Building Program
10. Platte Valley Literacy Association
Adult Literacy
11. Royal Family Kids – Columbus
Resident Camp for Abused & Neglected Kids
12. TeamMates Columbus
Mentoring Program
13. The Arc of Platte County
Advocacy and Activities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
14. Youth and Families for Christ
14a. After‐School Drop‐Ins & Crisis/Preventive Classes
14b. C.O.R.E. Crisis and Suicide Prevention
14c. Healthy Hearts & Souls Exercise and Cooking Classes
15. United Way Direct Programs
15a. 2-1-1
15b. Bridges out of Poverty
15c. Communities for Kids
15d. Community Family Partnership – Community Response Family Coaching
15e. Equitable Early Childcare Access
15f. Imagination Library
15g. Little Free Pantry
15h. Mental Health Outreach PSA
15i. Student Health Program