Want to make a difference?
Volunteers make the world go 'round, really they do! From pounding nails, to building walls, to advocating for a child's voice to be heard, to connecting with a teen in a meaningful way makes a difference. When our community works together with a giving heart, we make our community and world a better place for everyone.
Columbus Area United Way works with seventeen local nonprofit partner agencies in our community. Each of them depends upon volunteers to provide helping hands to accomplish their mission in powerful ways. Look at the current volunteer opportunities below, find a place to connect, fit in, pitch in, and make a difference!
TeamMates is always in need of more volunteer mentors! Volunteers spend one class or lunch period each week with their mentee. They meet at the child’s school throughout the school year. The two can shoot hoops, make crafts, play games, go for a walk, or simply sit and talk. The volunteers serve as another caring adult in the child’s life. Such a small amount of time each week can make such a huge impact! Go to teammates.org to apply online or call 402-564-8326 with any questions you might have!
The Arc of Platte County offers a variety of programs and services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. The Arc offers programs, information, and resources to assist in their journey and works to raise awareness through public outreach and media. Volunteer Opportunities can be found here https://www.arcofplattecounty.com/volunteer.html
Nominations for membership on the Arc’s board of directors can be submitted by contacting Taylor Christian, programdirector@arcofplattecounty.com. The board meets in the evening, the 4th Monday of the month. The board does not meet the months of May, June and July.
CASA Connection is the local Court Appointed Special Advocate program. CASA Connection is a member in good standing with the National CASA Association and the Nebraska CASA Association. We recruit, screen, train, and supervise community volunteers to advocate in the best interest of abused and neglected children have been removed from their homes and placed into the foster care system. We currently serve the Platte County, Colfax County and Nance County juvenile court systems. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, and willing to attend up to 30 hours of pre-service training. To find out more about CASA Connection please call (402) 563-4944 during normal business hours, or check out our website at www.casaconnectionne.com.
Big Pals-Little Pals is a community based mentoring organization. We match youth who need an extra support in their life with volunteer adult mentors. We are in need of volunteers for the following activities:
1. Volunteer mentors, especially male mentors- Mentors spend approximately one hour per week with their mentee and attend agency functions.
2. Office Assistant- this volunteer would be asked to help with office tasks such as filing, sending Thank You cards, preparing mailings etc.
3. Activities or Fundraiser Assistant- this volunteer would be asked to help arrange and execute agency activities such as the monthly activity we host for our matches and/or help with arranging fundraising events and donation solicitation (if the volunteer is comfortable doing so).
For more information visit www.bigpals.org or contact Aimee at bigpalslittlepals@gmail.com or 402-910-8334.
Volunteers Needed at the Platte County Food Pantry!
When: Tuesdays from 2:00-4:00
Volunteers bag groceries from a pre-made list and help clients at the Pantry.
When: Fridays 9:30-11:30
Volunteers pick up baker donations from Super Saver and bring them to the Food Pantry prior to 10am.
Interview guests and computer data entry at the Food Pantry from 10-11:30am.
Volunteers will be needed in June for the Industrial Drive and/or Can-Care-A-Van
- Pick up Industrial Drive donations and bring to the Pantry
- Weigh and record the donations
- Sort items and stock the Pantry’s shelves
- Be present at the Can-Care-A-Van drop off site to accept donations
- Transport Can-Care-A-Van donations from the drop off site to the Pantry
Please contact Jan Berry if you are interested in any of these opportunities!
Food Pantry Phone: 402-563-4544 Cell: 402-276-4283